Saturday, May 24, 2008

More Miss Ellaneous

Have you heard that Cameron Diaz has a new, signature line of skillets coming out designed for electric ranges? Yeah, they should work great because they have completely flat bottoms.


Dear Memphis,

You're a musician in a way, right? Please settle an argument between my wife and I. She claims that the opposite of "flat" is "sharp". I say the opposite of "flat" is "in tune". Who's right? A huge steak dinner is riding on your answer!


Dear Brad,

The opposite of "flat" is "not flat", of which "sharp" and "in-tune" are two subsets. You're both partially right, which is another way of saying you're both wrong. So you can both go without the steak dinner and save a cow and your money. Incidentally, your question actually involves not music so much as mathematics, but luckily for you in addition to being a musician, I am also the 16th best junior high math student in the state of Tennessee circa 1985. Cheers.



Inspired by the current occupant and the generally sickening contenders:

Oval Office Mug Idea: You don't have to be a psychophantic megalomaniacal toady to work here...BUT IT HELPS!


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